sábado, 28 de fevereiro de 2009
sexta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2009
does it make any sense?
when words don't make sense at all
as palavras sempre significam, ou não
tentamos entendê-las
a verdade é algo que nunca saberemos
a verdade está lá fora
também aqui dentro, mas você não vê, você não vê
e todas essas baboseiras, e as tuas cretinices, e as tuas loucuras e paranóias
tudo jogado no espelho, feito lama
estão quebrando tudo lá fora, e também aqui dentro, para reconstruir
construir algo novo?
casas novas, casas velhas, queimamos tudo o que não era mais necessário, preciso daquela fogueira de São João, de novo, me dá, onde estão as fotos?
se não há fotos, não aconteceu
se não está no Google, não existe
mas eu vi, eu estive lá, eu falei, eu dancei, eu ouvi
quem somos nós, quem eram aquelas pessoas?
aqueles sorrisos, porquê?
e as lágrimas, ainda?
eu teria vontade de mandar à merda se eu realmente sentisse algo, mas não sinto
sinto muito, muitíssimo
não sou a mulher maravilha
tinha cabelo vermelho, unhas verdes, tinha cabelos loiros, unhas vermelhas, tinha cabelos castanhos, unhas azuis
nunca deixei de ser eu, nunca fui ninguém sequer parecida comigo, no entanto...
te diria muitas coisas, mas não sinto vontade
cronista de estórias dessa cidade
la fea, y el bebe más lindo, nunca houve família
e quem tem família, tenta destruí-la com verdades que bem poderiam ser mentiras
ou mentiras, que poderiam ser verdade?
louca, vadia, desvairada
teclo, teclo, teclo, ninguém quer tc comigo? nunca gostei de sala de chat
vão chatear a mãe de vocês!
não tenho dicionário, mas tenho gramática, fia
chora no cantinho, corta os pulsos com bolacha maria, amanhã levanta e vai trabalhar de novo
e a gangue dos gordos barbudinhos ataca novamente
agh, aquelas mãos gordas de dedos finos
e o fogo, onde está a fogueira, traz logo!
love is all around us
Did you know it could happen to you?
I don't want to feel like I don't have a future.
I don't want to feel like it's an end of a summer.
Let's not fall back to sleep like we used to.
I don't want to wake up knowing I don't have a future.
Impossible. Your love is something I cannot remember.
I don't want to spend another day in this city.
I woke up thirsty, it's hard to go back you know.
Let's not fall back to sleep like we used to, do you remember?
I don't want to wake up knowing I don't have a future.
Impossible. Your love is something I cannot remember.
And there's a first time and a second time, you've got to hold on.
Did you know it could happen to you?
Your love is something I cannot remember.
I don't want to see the same pictures all over.
And I've been standing on the same spot now since it's been over.
'Cause someone promised me a new chance, yes you promised.
I don't want to wake up knowing I don't have a future.
Impossible. Your love is something I cannot remember.
And there's a first time and a second time, you've got to hold on.
Did you know it could happen to you?
Your love is something I cannot remember.
You are just like your mother, I'm just the same as the others.
Do you believe everything they write in all those magazines?
Stay out of love until you're ready, stay out of it 'cause it scares you.
You'll still find your love outside the public library.
I know it could happen to you.
I don't want to feel like it's an end of a summer.
Let's not fall back to sleep like we used to.
I don't want to wake up knowing I don't have a future.
Impossible. Your love is something I cannot remember.
I don't want to spend another day in this city.
I woke up thirsty, it's hard to go back you know.
Let's not fall back to sleep like we used to, do you remember?
I don't want to wake up knowing I don't have a future.
Impossible. Your love is something I cannot remember.
And there's a first time and a second time, you've got to hold on.
Did you know it could happen to you?
Your love is something I cannot remember.
I don't want to see the same pictures all over.
And I've been standing on the same spot now since it's been over.
'Cause someone promised me a new chance, yes you promised.
I don't want to wake up knowing I don't have a future.
Impossible. Your love is something I cannot remember.
And there's a first time and a second time, you've got to hold on.
Did you know it could happen to you?
Your love is something I cannot remember.
You are just like your mother, I'm just the same as the others.
Do you believe everything they write in all those magazines?
Stay out of love until you're ready, stay out of it 'cause it scares you.
You'll still find your love outside the public library.
I know it could happen to you.
terça-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2009
I was just trying to... what?
Just gotta know what else is there to be known. Because I don't understand how much can a person lie. Just silly, just so selfish, so self-centered.
Dreaming about people I don't know, trying to understand the people I know. And all that people tell me. Of course it's my problem, and of course it's self inflicted pain. Because being pulled down is something I'm used to. It's what's known. And I fear the unkown, the what's yet to come.
Cheio de marcas. Oh, yeah, slumdog millionaire. We all have our bruises and scars.
But don't blame them on me. It's not my fault, and yes, it's your problem. Not mine. It was never mine. Will you ever realize?
No sunshine, no happiness, just loneliness. An empty screaming sound that never stops.
And oh I love you blah blah blah it's just words some scraming maniac can shout out of his window late at night.
You are a 5 year old. Still. And I'm truly sorry, but I'm not your mommy.
Dreaming about people I don't know, trying to understand the people I know. And all that people tell me. Of course it's my problem, and of course it's self inflicted pain. Because being pulled down is something I'm used to. It's what's known. And I fear the unkown, the what's yet to come.
Cheio de marcas. Oh, yeah, slumdog millionaire. We all have our bruises and scars.
But don't blame them on me. It's not my fault, and yes, it's your problem. Not mine. It was never mine. Will you ever realize?
No sunshine, no happiness, just loneliness. An empty screaming sound that never stops.
And oh I love you blah blah blah it's just words some scraming maniac can shout out of his window late at night.
You are a 5 year old. Still. And I'm truly sorry, but I'm not your mommy.
quinta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2009
s. f. (fr. ecchymose; ing. ecchymosis). Mancha escura ou azulada devida a uma infiltração difusa de sangue no tecido subcutâneo. Na maior parte dos casos, aparece após um traumatismo, mas pode também aparecer espontaneamente em sujeitos que apresentam fragilidade capilar ou uma coagulopatia. Após um período de tempo variável, a equimose desaparece passando por diversas gradações: violácea, acastanhada, esverdeada e amarelada. Nome popular: nódoa negra.
Coisas que só a equipe de enfermagem do Hospital Mãe de Deus faz por você!!
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